
Successful family party of the Sigrist group

JULI 2023

Sommerfest der Sigrist Firmengruppe in Pforzheim

Open Air family get-together

Last Friday, the Sigrist Group of Companies celebrated its first joint summer party at its location in Karlsruher Straße in Pforzheim. All employees of LOGON, SOMI and Sigrist with their families as well as neighbors and friends of the company were invited to this family get-together in the open air.

The celebrants were treated to delicious street food, refreshing ice cream and cool drinks. The little ones had fun in the bouncy castle and all interested persons were able to take several company tours to see the state-of-the-art workplaces and production of SOMI and LOGON.

Thanks to the high summer temperatures, young and old celebrated, laughed and danced until late in the evening behind the company building. An all-around successful summer party of the family business, which brought the employees of all three companies of the Sigrist Group even closer together.

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